
“Time to act”

VfL’s stance on anti-democratic, populist and extremist parties and groups.

Since 2014, VfL Wolfsburg has regularly thrown the spotlight on the issue of diversity. This year’s Diversity Matchday underlines the club’s commitment to inclusivity and against all forms of discrimination. Current political events and racially motivated incidents have resulted in an increased focus on fighting right-wing extremism and populism this year.

“On this year’s VfL Diversity Matchday, we, the management of VfL Wolfsburg, on behalf of VfL Wolfsburg-Fußball GmbH as a whole, want to underline our stance on anti-democratic, populist and extremist parties, groups and individuals with those beliefs.

We’re very concerned about the increase in anti-social, racist, antisemitic and exclusionary attitudes, statements and behaviour in our society. They contradict the values we live by and stand for at VfL Wolfsburg. In our view, these inhumane, increasingly right-wing populist and extremist attitudes and behaviours have no place in football or in society. Sport is characterised by diversity, and that’s what we stand for. We are Team Diversity. As such, there can and must be no place for those who fundamentally contradict our values, particularly through their support of these populist and extremist attitudes.

It’s time to act. Every voice speaking up for an open, diverse and democratic society matters, whether at demonstrations or in direct conversation. Victims of hostility and injustice deserve support, whether on the pitch, at work, in private or in public.”

Michael Meeske, Marcel Schäfer, Dr. Tim Schumacher