First Team

“Important the injury fully heals”

Patrick Wimmer in an interview on his road to recovery.

VfL winger Patrick Wimmer suffered a high ankle sprain in late October 2023 and has been unavailable for the Wolves since then. Following the training camp in Portugal, the Austrian spoke about his current rehab, his return to the pitch and the EURO in the summer.

Hello Patrick, how are you feeling? How was the training camp for you?

Patrick Wimmer: “It’s very erratic: one day it’s good, then it’s a bit worse again. It’s quite normal during rehab for it to hurt now and then, though. The most important thing is that the foot is healing. I can do running training without problems, I’ve also been on the pitch a few times now. We had great conditions at the training camp, so no complaints there.”

What’s it like only being able to watch your teammates play in the stadium or on TV, without being able to get out there yourself?

Patrick: “It’s really annoying when you have to sit on the sidelines as a spectator, especially when you see that things aren’t going so well – then you’re itching to get out there even more than usual. However, the most important thing is that you see progress and you keep moving forward. So, the positives outweigh the negatives now when I look at what’s already happened and how far I’ve come.”

What are your hoping for?

Patrick: “First and foremost, of course, to get fit. And then to help the team get back to where we want to be. Then in the summer, there are obviously two big things for me: my wedding in Salzburg and after that the European Championship.”

Is there a date for when we can expect to see you back out on the grass?

Patrick: “Around the start of February. I hope I’ll be able to train fully with the team then. We’ll just have to see how I do. It’s important that the injury fully heals so that I trust in myself 100 per cent again when I’m on the pitch.”

How hopeful are you of being involved at the EURO? Austria are considered a team who could be dark horses.

Patrick: “The most important thing is that I get fit again and also get minutes under my belt. Then I think I’ve got a good chance of being in the EURO squad. There’s quite a lot of excitement when it comes to the national team at the moment, and we want to keep riding that wave. The group is obviously difficult. We have to take it one game at a time and see what comes out of it at the end.”